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Short course on CASiMiR Model

(Riparian vegetation modeling)






Polytechnic School of Federal University of Bahia (UFBA)


29/07/2015 – Room Hernani Sobral (6th floor)


30/07/2015 – LABGRAD II (5th floor)



Main objective:


CASiMiR Model is an advanced simulation system for the study of aquatic habitats. Riverine ecosystems and their habitats are inherently complex and contain a large number of relationships between biotic and abiotic components. Habitat models can be an appropriate instrument for studying the ecological functions of these systems. They allow for the qualitative assessment of habitat conditions for the species under consideration (most commonly for indicator species such as fish). Since the late 1990s, the Universität Stuttgart has pioneered the development of fuzzy logic based habitat simulation software, resulting in the creation of the CASiMiR software suite: Fish, Benthos, Vegetation and Hydropower (JORDE 1996, SCHNEIDER et al. 2001).


This short course aims to provide a general overview and basic information about modelling of RIPARIAN VEGETATION related to FLUVIAL REGIME using the CASiMiR Model. 


For more information on CASiMiR Model please access the link: 


* Mini course will be taught in Portuguese.


Course load:  16 hours


Instructor: RUI RIVAES 




Resume: Rui Rivaes graduated in Forestry in 2005 by Instituto Superior de Agronomia, Universidade de Lisboa. His research background range from ecological monitoring of several biologic groups, in both lotic and lentic ecosystems, to the ecological modeling of riparian vegetation and fish species facing river flow regime modifications. He has been particularly dedicated to environmental modeling since 2009, mainly in the application and testing of CASiMiR-vegetation towards the understanding of riparian vegetation dynamics according to different flow regime change scenarios.


Course content:


Ecology of riparian ecosystems; 


CASiMiR-vegetation conceptual; 


Methodology for field data collection, treatment and analysis; 


Model application; 


Latest outcomes of riparian vegetation modeling using CASiMiR-vegetation.


Learning outcomes: Attendees will be able to understand the riparian vegetation dynamics according to flow regime and perform the modeling of this ecotone by autonomously applying the CASiMiR-vegetation model on different circumstances.





Grad and post-grad students R$ 150,00 


Professionals: R$ 300,00

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